Friday, May 20, 2016

Practical Tools for Dark Times

I hope the last few posts have helped you understand why God allows tragedy and who He is through it.
In the dark days of grief your mind may run away from you and it is difficult to keep the right perspective as Christian. I want to give you some practical ways to stir your affections for the Lord so that your mind and heart may be refreshed.
1.                 MusicFew things can stir emotion in the human heart like music. It can help so much to put your mind in the right place. When I need reminded of some good theology this is my favorite album. 
2.                 Stay in the WordSitting down and cracking open the bible may seem like a daunting task in the midst of grief. In this day and age we have the worlds best preachers and teachers at our fingertips. I am not suggesting that you stop reading your bible, but sometimes listening to a great teacher unpack the Word can be inspiring and incredibly comforting. These are my two favorites: Matt Chandler and Art Azuduria
3.                  Do not forsake the fellowship of the saints--The physical trauma of a miscarriage or stillbirth, along with the emotional drain of loss can make us want to hide away from the world but one of the purposes of belonging to a church is for such a time as this. So that the saints can build one another up and encourage each other.   Although we were fairly new to our church when we lost our son, we were surrounded by so much love by our church family. Their love for Christ showed through to us so clearly and truly helped carry us through. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:23-25) 
              If you are not currently attending a church we would be happy to help you find one in your area, please contact us.

         These are not meant to be band-aids, if you do these things you will not suddenly never be sad again. There are practical tangible things we can do that can help us want to love and trust Christ more, which can remind us of who he is when our circumstances are blinding us.

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