When Adam and Eve left the
Garden of Eden there was an angel set on guard to make sure no one entered the
garden again (Gen. 3:24). When Balaam’s donkey stopped on the road, it was
because an angel blocked his way (Num. 22:24). Angels ministered to Elijah
(1Kings 19:5) and Gideon (Judges 6:12); they stretched out their swords and
halted entire armies (2Chron. 32:21). An angel appeared to Mary and told her
the good news that she would bear Jesus (Luke 1:26). When Christ was born an
entire host of them sang in the sky (Luke 2:13). In the book of Acts and angel
led Peter out of prison (Acts 12:7). In Revelation angels are seen pouring out
God’s wrath (Rev. 16:2) and locking Satan in the abyss (Rev 20:1).
Certainly Angels are very powerful creatures, set apart
to execute God’s will. They are focused on bringing God glory and being
carriers of His message. They are busy
at work even now in an unseen world beyond our comprehension.
We know that not all Angels are good; some fell with
Satan and are now for eternity bound into his service (Rev. 12:4). They sinned,
and there is no hope of redemption for them.
Angels are creations of God, but it does not say anywhere
in the bible that they were made in the image of God. Image Bearer is a title
reserved for humans alone (Gen 1:26). In the same way Satan fell from heaven,
Eve ate the fruit in the garden. The difference is that when Satan and his
Angels desired to be like God their fate was sealed for eternity, Satan’s final
resting place will be a lake of fire (Rev 20:10). Eve on the other hand, set in motion a glorious
plan of redemption, for all who might put their trust in Christ.

“I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over
one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10 ESV). The angels look upon us and marvel.
They have not forgotten when Satan and the demons fell; they know that there
was not a sacrifice offered for them. When they see God’s plan laid out for us,
and they watch the Holy Spirit draw a sinner to repentance-- they rejoice, they
celebrate, they sing of the awesome redemption that could never be offered to
You are not the mother of an angel, but the mother of a
child who God knit together in your womb in His image, who He graciously
redeemed on the cross, and who He brought to Glory to live eternally with Him.
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